Say NO To Plagiarism


What we do Talk to us


  1. Front desk team will check all the instructions given by the client.
  2. We contact back with the client in case any more details needed.
  3. we share all the required details given by the client to the most relevant experts.
  4. If the work is doable finance team quote the price.
  5. Quotation will be shared with the client.
  6. 50% of the advance amount will be taken as a work confirmation.
  7. Once the work is confirmed writer starts the work & in case any doubt front desk team contact with the client.
  8. Once the work is completed only the plagiarism report 1st page contains plag percentage, total word count & Topic will be shared with the client.
  9. After completion of remaining 50% amount content file will be handover to the client.
  10. We mostly try to complete the work before 4-5 days of deadline so that client gets sufficient time to check it.
  11. Once the work is delivered then it will be client’s responsibility to check it properly within two days & share the changes if any in order to do the ammendments.
  12. After final file will be delivered to the client & from that point of time we will change the status of the work from In-Progress to completed.


  1. Half of the amount as a confirmation & the remaining half amount after work completion will be paid by the client before file is delivered.
  2. Client is not allowed to talk with the writer directly.
  3. Only after completion of advance payment, work will be considered as confirmed.
  4. Client must require to provide all the necessary requirements before the start of the work.
  5. All services are non-refundable. In case student got failed then only we will provide the rework for that particular assignment for 2nd attempt.
  6. Student is responsible to check the work thoroughly before final submission of the work.
  7. Unethical behavior of client will not be tolerable.


Lets Get In Touch

Want plagiarism Free content then contact us via Mail or phone.We will get back to you within 24 hours. For quicker reponse CLICK HERE

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